8th General Assembly of the Global Network of Water Museums

June, 15th 2022

Order of Business

  1. Opening of the meeting and appointment of the Chair;
  2. Approval of the Record of the last General Assembly (December 2021);
  3. Welcome to new WAMU-NET Members;
  4. Winners’ announcement of the 3rd Edition of the Youth Prize Contest ‘The Water We Want’
  5. Approval of the Budget 2021: financial statements with profits and losses (art. 16);
  6. Status of annual Membership contributions – year 2022 (fees received until June 5th);
  7. Discussion on fundraising activities in 2023 and updated Business Plan (2022-2025);
  8. Discussion on next planned activities (WAMU-NET Conference in Morocco; Worldwide Exhibition ‘I Remember Water’; World Inventory of Water Museums [IHP Res. n. 7-XXIV]);
  9. AOB – Proposals and suggestions from WAMU-NET Members
  10. Closing of the meeting


Call for the General Assembly with the Order of Business

Presentation of the GA

Presentation of the new WAMU-NET members

Winners’ of the 3rd Edition of the Youth Prize Contest ‘The Water We Want’

Record of the previous GA (December 2021)

Memberships 2022 at 7th June 2022

Business Plan 2022-2025

I Remember Water

World Inventory