7th General Assembly of the Global Network of Water Museums

December 15, 2021

Order of Business

  1. Opening of the meeting and appointment of the Chair
  2. Approval of the Record of the last General Assembly
  3. Presentation of the new video produced by HYDRIA in cooperation with WAMU-NET
  4. Welcome to new WAMU-NET Members
  5. Nomination of the external observer (mandate 2021-2023)
  6. Nomination of new members of the Advisory Committee
  7. I Remember Water – participation to the Global Digital Exhibition (deadline: 20th Dec. 2022)
  8. Planned activities of WAMU-NET at the 9th World Water Forum, Dakar (March 2022)
  9. The Global Inventory of water museums and heritage sites
  10. 3rd edition of the Youth Contest and Award “The Water We Want” (deadline: 22nd April 2022)
  11. Online Training Course “Beyond Museums” organized by the Venice UNESCO Chair
  12. Report on 2021 Membership annual contributions (received until Nov. 30th)
  13. Approval of 2022 Annual Memberships
  14. Approval of the Forecast Budget for the year 2022 (art.16)
  15. AOB – Proposals and suggestions from WAMU-NET Members
  16. Closing of the meeting


Call for the General Assembly with the Order of Business

Presentation of the GA

Presentation of the new WAMU-NET members

Record of the previous GA (June 2021)

Forecast budget at 31 December 2022

Global Inventory – Call for Manifestation of interest

Approval of the annual members contributions