6th General Assembly of the Global Network of Water Museums

June 18, 2021

Order of Business

  1. Opening of the meeting and appointment of the Chair
  2. Approval of the Record of last General Assembly (11 December 2020) 
  3. Welcome to new WAMU-NET Members
  4. Winners’ announcement of the 2nd Edition of the Youth Prize Contest ‘The Water We Want’
  5. Humanitarian emergency state in Burkina Phaso: call for support of the Musée de l’Eau de Ouagadugou
  6. Approval of the Budget for the year 2020 (art.16)  
  7. Status of annual membership contributions – year 2021 (fees received until June 1st
  8. Discussion on the updated Forecast Budget (2nd semester – year 2021)
  9. Nomination of the new Management Board and President (years 2021-2023)
  10. ‘Developing the Phase 2 of the Global Network’: proposal to the next IHP Intergovernmental Council
  11. Fundraising strategy
  12. Program of the 1st Training Course organized by the Venice UNESCO Chair dedicated to water museums: “New Tools for Promoting the Natural and Cultural Water Heritage Outside Museums”
  13. Discussion on the Collaborative Global Digital Exhibition with WAMU-NET members
  14. AOB – Proposals and suggestions from WAMU-NET members
  15. Closing of the meeting


Call for the 6th GA with the Order of Business

Presentation of the GA

Presentation of New WAMU-NET Members

Record of the previous General Assembly (December 2020)

Budget 2020

Updated Forecast Budget 2021

Strategy note “Developing the Phase 2”

Programme – UNESCO Chair 1st Training Course

Poster Campaign New Memberships 2021-22