Worldwide Exhibition ‘I Remember Water’ launched on 18 May 2022 (International Museum Day)

The Worldwide Exhibition I Remember Water aims to explore memories of humankind’s fundamental relationships with water. The exhibition was launched on 18 May – International Museum Day – by the Global Network of Water Museums and the Living Waters Museum (India). To extend the scope of ICOM’s event, I Remember Water collects and displays on a new dedicated website 462 images and documents granted by 60 among institutions, artists, and individuals that exhibit ‘the power of water memories’.

I Remember Water will offer an unpublished taster of different ‘water worlds’ and aquatic memories exhibited by museums and institutions affiliated to the Global Network of Water Museums (WAMU-NET) which are in the front line to promote water sustainability education daily.

The exhibition is a project of the Global Network of Water Museums supported by the Living Waters Museum, India. I Remember Water is organized by a curatorial team in six different sections: Life, Play, Heritage, Spiritual, Belonging, and Transformations. All collected images will explore from different perspectives the rich diversity and the striking affinities of humankind’s connections with water and its unique heritages across the world.

The final selection of 86 images will enable all partners affiliated to WAMU-NET to organize (physical) thematic photo exhibitions in different locations worldwide to display some of the most vibrant relationships with the source of all life.