4th International Conference of the Global Network of Water Museums
The 4th Conference of the Global Network of Water Museums, titled “Water Museums and Groundwater: making the invisible visible”, will take place in Marrakech, Morocco, from the 26th to the 28th of October. The conference is hosted by the Museum of Water Civilizations of Morocco ‘Mohammed VI’ – Aman, and supported by the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Islamic Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco.
Conference Programme
The programme includes thematic sessions on the heritage of water in Morocco and Maghreb, ancestral hydro-technologies of underground canals (‘khettara’), the management of oases in desert environments, and good practices and solutions for resilience adopted and disseminated by water museums. Interactive sessions, the General Assembly of WAMU-NET, and inspiring visits to the historical hydraulic heritage of Marrakech and to the Atlas Mountains complete the Conference Programme that you can download here.
Links available for attending the conference online
Day 1 – Wednesday 26 October (from 09:30 am CEST – local time 08:30 am Casablanca)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83969148109?pwd=MEdmVlVQdVFuNVNIY3V3c014RTc2UT09
ID: 839 6914 8109 – Code: 658133
Day 2 – Thursday 27 October (from 09:30 am CEST – local time 08:30 am Casablanca)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83393145176?pwd=K2czZHJ1Nm5RTU1NYUwwL0hCWU9odz09
ID: 833 9314 5176 – Code: 539974
In case you need more information, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Museum Secretariat at fourthconference.marrakech@gmail.com
or with WAMU-NET Secretariat at mail@watermuseums.net
Looking forward to meeting you soon at our 4th International Conference,
The Conference Organizing Team