World Water Museum, Greece/travelling

World Water Museum, Greece

The “World Water Museum” installation is an interactive, constantly evolving and fluctuating project, a cross-over between different genres and offering a distinct activist message. It aims to raise the awareness of the public about the contamination and continuous depletion of the clean, drinkable water resources of our planet. It aims to sensitize visitors to the urgent need to safeguard the Earth’s precious water stores and protect it as the precious treasure it is.
Using art as its tool and utilizing a variety of media and the hyper-realist genre, it attempts to showcase the grave environmental issues faced by our planet, characterizing water as a “museum piece“. A “museum” without the usual scientific classification criteria and precious objects, but which deals with something priceless and does seek the contribution of science. The safekeeping of samples of fresh water is a symbolic act, and an expression of justified environmental concerns.
This participating character of this project composes substance and condition, as in order for the samples of water to be collected, the people must participate – as for the dealing of the problem and the potential lack of water!

Museum website:



Ask the Flask

International online workshop (October 2013 – March 2014). It carried out with the participation of students in primary, secondary and universities who came from countries facing a severe problem of water scarcity as well as countries with adequate water supply. Via Skype the students/scholars discussed and exchanged opinions concerning their relationship with water in their daily life and how its lack or adequacy affects their life. Eventually each group created an art project by developing their thoughts, materials and research and development methods.

a. Primary Schools:
b. Secondary Schools:
c. Universities:

“Promises to Children of the Future”
Through a live performance our children appealed and spoke to the children of the future, assuring them that from now on they will care and will protect the water in order them to have the amount of water will need then.