Pop-up museum Drowned Land, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The pop-up museum Drowned Land is a mobile expo dedicated to enhancing discussion about water related issues and climate change. The expo travels around the world and displays topical works of art by international artists.

Presentations include Isaac Cordal’s Waiting for climate change, electronic composer Piet-jan van Rossum’s  imaginary underwater world All this will be ours without asking, video-artist Claude Cattelain’s desperate struggle against the power of the oceans, presentations by the Embassy of the North Sea, the polluted popsicles made by three Taiwanese students and Cynthia Boll’s award winning photo series Sunken Cities depicting the people in Jakarta who live permanently with the water up to their ankles. Alongside the exhibition we invite internationally acclaimed speakers to present their personal connection with water on the soapbox, resulting in a colorful array of views shedding light on the subject from every conceivable angle.

As a spin-off the after the first edtion in 2019, the pop-up museum initiated theWaterWalks, in collaboration with Drinkable Rivers: an all-round exploration of the rivers and waters of the world in art and (citizen)science where scientific and ecological data, images, sounds and any other sources that might be of interest are collected.

The aim of the Waterwalks is to create a living database of the rivers of the world and to enable new information to be added at any point in time. In this way we endeavour to create a new ownership and shared responsibility towards the vital watersystems of our planet. The database will be presented in an attractive accessible way and give an insight into the state of rivers and the way they behave and change over time. Please check out



In May 2019 LUDWIG presented their first pop-up watermuseum Verdronken Land (Drowned Land) in the Compagnietheater Amsterdam. In one weekend the collective presented a wide range of art forms depicting water-related problems and/or solutions the world is facing. We invited twenty-five water specialists to share their knowledge and form new alliances to encounter one of the biggest threats of our time: climate change.
