Museu de l’aigua i el Tèxtil” (MAT) / Parc de la Sèquia, Manresa, Spain

A monumental building

The old water tanks of Manresa hosts the Technical Museum with their permanent exhibitions linked to the water and the progress of the city. It also has versatile space where the major events of central Catalonia take place.

From the Sèquia to the ribbons.

The Technical Museum hosts two outstanding permanent exhibitions that have a great connection with the Parc de la Sèquia reason of being: the importance of water for human development. A showing about the Sèquia explains the great work of the canal in a historical perspective and focus especially on its effects: the growth of agricultural production and urban planning since its age. On the other hand, the ribbon exhibition explains the importance of this industry in the city, which is the great reference of the sector in the Spanish market.
It is also a privilege to access to this huge water reservoirs (2,400 square meters) that still conserve the structure, the upper openings, and even the humidity. The simple visit to the space is really interesting.


The monumental building of the Manresa’s old tanks hosts the Water and Textile Museum, founded in the year 1992 with their permanent exhibitions linked to the water and the progress of the city. The Museum hosts two outstanding permanent exhibitions that have a great connection with the Parc de la Sèquia reason of being: the importance of water for human development. An exhibition about the Sèquia explains the great work of the canal in a historical perspective and focus especially on its effects: the growth of agricultural production and urban planning since its age. On the other hand, the ribbon exhibition explains the importance of this industry in the city, which is the great reference of the sector in the Spanish market.

The Sèquia is the medieval canal that has allowed the growth of Manresa and the agricultural development of a great part of the Pla de Bages. Following the path that borders its route, of 26 kilometres with a minimum slope, constitutes a truly memorable experience: temples, fortifications, hydraulic works, houses and natural spaces transformed by water help us to understand the roots of this inland territory, in the heart of Catalonia.


In the same way that the medieval canal (14th century) has promoted the progress of Manresa and the Pla de Bages, we understand water as the fundamental element for the development of local economies, the quality of life and the culture of a territory In this link between water and territory, the Parc de la Séquia develops information, entertainment and tourism activities aimed at families, groups and educational centers.


The Sèquia Routes

The mobile application “Les Rutes de la Sèquia” has been programmed by Iskra, thanks to a subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. It is available for Android and iOS.

The application, directed mainly to families, has several routes around the Sèquia. These routes are marked in gpx and will display nearby points of interest. In addition, the itineraries are completed with puzzles and question sets for children, which can be used to find out more about the place where they are going.

Here is the link:




Water and memories of “La Sèquia”

The Water and Memory project is an environmental education project for the promotion of sustainable use and conservation of the natural environment and the material and intangible heritage associated with the Sèquia. We do that through educative activities of interpretation of the natural ecosystem and putting in relation the balance of this one with the uses that we have and have had during history. We also work in the socio-environmental recognition of the current and historical relationship of the populations with the natural environment of this aquatic system through workshops and visits.

Visits and Workshops at the Manresa Canal

We work in different ways to improve our students knowledge related with water, environment, biology, technology, history, maths and arts. In our website we offer visits and workshops for schools and families.
For further information:

Biosphere certificate for tourism destinations

Biosphere destinations are committed to ensuring continuous improvement to adequately balance between the areas of: combating climate change, protecting the environment, cultural, social and economic, through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation.
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