Musée de l’Eau et de la Fontaine, Ottignies, Belgium

Thanks to the passion for fountains of the founder Jean-Pierre Courtois, the Museum of Water and Fountains opened in Genval in 1989. Ever since, the Museum has developed around its collection related to the heritage of water distribution.

The specificity of the museum therefore lies in its main theme: water. It exploits this subject in various and varied ways: the domestication of water by humans, direct and indirect consumption of water, water in Africa, water in Belgium, tap water, weather, the pond and its biodiversity, music and water, water in art, water on the planet, the unequal distribution of water around the world, the problem of wastewater, etc.

Since September 2017, the MWF has left its former premises and is now located in the Provincial domain of Bois des Rêves, where its educational service still offers its visitors, throughout the year, different forms of guided tours, formal and informal animations, birthdays, occasional events, etc. It hosts an average of 6,500 children per year and educational events are still as successful.

Its missions are:

  •  The discovery of the history of the domestication of water by humans and that of fountains.
  • Awareness, from an early age, of the preservation of drinking water, a source of life, with the desire to involve children in the management of their local environment.
  • Continuing education: raise awareness of the importance of drinking water in our society, create a critical vision in relation to our pollution and our current water consumption as well as inform the public about the difficulties of access to safe drinking water in some parts of the globe.

Here the link to the webpage of the museum:



The Museum’s educational department hosts daily school groups.

The Museum offer them 7 different animations according to age and desires.


For Preschool animations:

1) All in the water (1st and 2nd kindergartens)

Where does the rain water come from? What animals live in the water? Does water have a color? How do people arrange for their water supply around the world? Manipulations, games, stories, aquatic music … will be on the program. Toddlers also have their place in the museum!

2) Water and me (3rd kindergarten and 1st primary)

How was it done before the taps? What activities dirty the water at home? Who needs water to live? What are the objects that sink? … and those that float? By using all their senses, children will discover the basic characteristics of water…


Primary animations

1) Water of the little scientist

Density, surface tension, molecules, states of water, capillarity … So many complicated notions that apply to water. Come and talk about them, and immerse yourself through funny experiences.

2) Tap water

Where does our tap water come from? Who and what pollutes this water? Where are the sewage going? What is a wastewater treatment plant? The animation varies during the day: in the afternoon, a visit on the grounds of the catchment and purification stations is planned.

3) The weather

Approach of different phenomena constituting the weather: rainfall, wind, clouds, atmospheric pressure… The animation again varies during the day: in the afternoon, the children will do their surveys to make their own weather report.

4) Do not touch my water

What is a waste? How to reduce waste production and how to sort it? Facing the 7th continent, become eco-citizens of our planet! This animation aims to make students aware of pollution, waste degradation and sustainable development.


Secondary animation

The Museum opens a window on current issues related to water. Through an animated museum visit and scenarios, students will be made aware of water issues. This visit is a springboard to take concrete action to act together in defending this blue gold! A visit to become aware of our power of action, because every drop counts in order to protect our water capital…


Destination blue planet

This course is intended for students starting from the third to the 6th year of secondary school.  To make the teenagers aware of their citizen responsibility within our planet and the impact of non civic environmental behaviour on the future of our planet. Discussions intended to make critical study and appraisal based on a series of pictures aimed to reflection.

Do not touch my water

Introduction to Ecology : this is intended for students starting from 5th primary school to the second year of secondary school. What is waste ? How to reduce the creation / production of waste & how to sort it.  This course intends to increase the students awareness of pollution, waste degradation and durable development.

Municipal water treatment

Visits of municipal water treatment plants, together with the  INBW:

H2O project

The educational file H2O introduces the water filtration together with the daily usage of water. The aim is to make the students aware of the importance of the water.  First step is somewhat theoretical, the students are then invited to participate in discussions or activities intended to find solutions to preserve the water.

Among activities, make surveys about water consumption questioning friends family, etc… This will allow to gather their results, become aware of the vital aspect of the water in daily life, and find means to preserve this blue gold.