Italian National Association of Land Reclamation / ANBI, Rome, Italy

ANBI is the National Association of the Agricultural Water Board in charge of the management of the agricultural water networks in Italy, which are public entities of self-government and of associates’ participation.

Through its associated, ANBI is managing the water supply for irrigation and the hydraulic protection of the Italian territory. ANBI interacts directly with its users that are farmers, citizens, and public and private institutions.

ANBI is the natural interface with River basin Authorities and Regional Government, in charge of all the aspects pertinent to the safeguard of water and soils against pollutions and over-exploitation. ANBI has a long experience in organizing seminars, workshops and training involving all the actors of the complex “water environment” at national and international level.

ANBI is well connected with other sister organizations in EU and with international associations. ANBI is member of the European Union Water Management Associations – EUWMA that involves 8.600 public private bodies managing water infrastructures in 8 European Countries. ANBI is among the founders of Irrigants d’Europe, an association which members cover about 75% of the irrigated areas in Europe, and related infrastructures, and in many cases also urban aqueducts and other infrastructures serving urban and industrial areas.

ANBI website: A.N.B.I. Ass. Naz. Bonifiche Irrigazioni Miglioramenti Fondiari (



Terre Evolute Project [SDGs]

ANBI is promoting the project Terre Evolute, in cooperation with the Academia and the ASVIS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) with the aims to integrate the SDGs principles in its own daily management.

Terre Evolute is a pilot project started from the archive of the Bacchiglione e Adige Euganeo Land Reclamation Consortia. The Project led to the creation of the web platform Terrevolute, a cultural platform where to access five databases (documents, testimonies, images, cartography, architecture), a valuable tangible and intangible heritage concerning the land reclamation history of the Venetian territory.

ANBI and EU Projects [SDGs]

In recent years ANBI has been directly involved in EU projects dedicated to information, training, communication, and dissemination (AGRI 2015/0227, INFOPAC) and on Drought Observatory with ADO – Alpine Drought Observatory, an Interreg project aiming to create an online drought monitoring platform and develop policy implementation guidelines for proactive drought management in the Alpine Space region.