IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands

IHE Delft is the largest international graduate water education facility in the world. Since 1957 the Institute has provided water education and training to 23.000 professionals from over 190 countries, the vast majority from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Numerous research and institutional strengthening projects are carried out in partnership to strengthen capacity in the water sector worldwide. Through our overarching work on capacity development, IHE Delft aims to make a tangible contribution to achieving all Sustainable Development Goals in which water is key.

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education envisions a world free of poverty and injustice, in which people manage their water and environmental resources sustainably and equitably.

IHE Delft works in partnership to strengthen capacity in the water sector to achieve global sustainable development




Water improves life photo exhibition 2021

IHE Delft’s Partnership Programme for Water and Development (DUPC2) facilitates solving water challenges in the Global South. Working with partners is vital to the activities of DUPC as well as those of IHE Delft. This photo exhibition illustrates one picture from a DUPC2 project on a weekly basis. It showcases each picture with a caption telling the story of people depicted and the way the project impacted their lives and improved water security.
Water improves life – a photo exhibition | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (un-ihe.org)


Photo exhibition Alumni in Action

Alumni photo exhibition and interview with three alumni from Bangladesh, Colombia and Kenya (2017 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of IHE Delft)
Photo exhibition Alumni in Action | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (un-ihe.org)


Turning up the voice of youth

Interview with alumna Tatiana dos Santos Silva about entrepreneurship in the slums of Brazil (2018)
Turning up the voice of youth | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (un-ihe.org)


Explorations on gender in the world of water

Interview with professor of water governance Margreet Zwarteveen and two female hydrologists from India, on the occasion of international day of women and girls in science, 2021.
Explorations on gender in the world of water | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (un-ihe.org)


Sanitation alumni leave no one behind

Article on the occasion of world toilet day 2019 dedicated to SDG 6.2 on access to sanitation.
Sanitation alumni leave no one behind | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (un-ihe.org)


#EverydayNile: photos and journalism in water conflict and cooperation

IHE Delft water governance blog ‘Flows’. Blog on water conflict and cooperation on the occasion of Nile Day, February 2021. Photos and journalism.
#EverydayNile: photos and journalism in water conflict and cooperation – FLOWs (hypotheses.org)


Water is Key photo exhibition by Gil Garcetti, photographer and former cultural ambassador of UNESCO-IHE (now IHE Delft) in 2014

Water is Key tells the story of how clean water in villages in West Africa changes the lives, health, education, and destiny of the people there, especially that of women and girls. The photo series led to the Women, Water and Wells exhibition, organized at UNESCO-IHE in Delft, the Netherlands, in collaboration with the Fowler Museum of the University of California, Los Angeles.
UNESCO-IHE designates Gil Garcetti Cultural Ambassador | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (un-ihe.org)




Rainstorm tracker: hydroinformatics technologies serving flood management [RESEARCH]

IHE Delft and partners are developing the Rainstorm Tracker tool to support weather description for flash flood early warning. This system employs a 3D object-based recognition method (using artificial intelligence algorithms) developed by the chair group of Hydroinformatics to evaluate the severity of storm events detected by satellites in the lower Mekong basin.

An ecosystem of citizen observatories for environmental monitoring [RESEARCH]

The WeObserve mission is to create a sustainable ecosystem of Citizen Observatories that can systematically address these identified challenges and help move citizen science into the mainstream.

More information here

Media, Science and Water diplomacy in the Nile Basin [RESEARCH]

This project, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global partnership for Water and Development, aims at studying the role of the media and science in transboundary waters negotiations, as well as at building journalists and researchers’ capacities on water science communication.

More information here

Sustainable hydropower and multipurpose storage to meet the water, food and energy related SDGs [RESEARCH]

This project is a 3-year program to investigate and demonstrate improved approaches to sustainable multipurpose water storage, including both gray and green storage. We have assembled a consortium of leading international partner organizations responsible for developing and testing decision-support tools that have the potential to make a measurable impact on sustainable development.

More information here

Educational activities at IHE Delft

All our education programmes, MSc, PhD, online and short courses relate to water and SDGs. In turn, education relates to our research and capacity development activities.

An example is the online open course on science communication skills for water cooperation and diplomacy

Please find the link to our current MSc programmes here

We are currently designing a new, one-year MSc programme in Water and Sustainable Development. This programme will be available from October 2022.