GHAJN National Water Conservation Awareness Center, Rabat, Malta

The GHAJN Centre aims to raise awareness on the challenges facing the water sector in the Maltese Islands within a broad context of sustainable water resources management. The Centre uses audio-visual presentations, augmented reality technology and interactive games on wall screens to try conveying its message in a ‘funny and interactive’ manner.

The name for the centre, Ghajn, translates into a natural source where water outflows – a spring. In the Rabat area, where the centre is located, several freshwater springs can be identified, which have sustained the national water supply throughout history. One can still see today the WIgnacourt Aqueduct built by the Knights of St John, which supply potable water from these freshwater springs to the newly built city of Valletta.

The GHAJN Water Conservation Centre opened its doors in April of 2017 with the aim of raising awareness of the challenges facing the water sector in the Maltese Islands. The centre supports national educational initiatives on water management and conservation, attracting school visits throughout the scholastic year and also team-building workshops organized by interested private and governmental organisations. The scope of the centre is also to provide a community-friendly environment for the surrounding neighbourhood where the residents can use the premises for recreational purposes.The main target of the Centre is our future generations with a specific focus on Primary and Secondary school students, that attend the Centre with organised school visits.

The GHAJN Water Conservation Awareness Centre addresses 10 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. At the GHAJN Water Conservation Awareness Centre all visitors are acquiring both the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, addressing SDG 4 and SDG 12.

The Centre addresses SDG 6 guiding the visitors to understand the importance of increasing water-use efficiency across all sectors, and the importance to ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity.

Thanks to the connection with the Chadwick Lakes Project (see hereunder), the Centre promotes sustainable tourism, aiming to create more jobs and also promote the local culture (SDG 8). The regeneration of the Nigret area (in the town of Rabat) where the Centre was built and the surrounding grounds, complemented with the archaeological finds that are part of the grounds of the Centre, it is also highlighting the cultural and natural heritage of the locality (SDG 9).

Visit the Water Awareness Conservation Centre website: Ghajn – National Water Conservation Awareness Centre (


Temporary exhibitions and projects

The Europeas Heritage Days

The European Heritage Days is a joint European Council and European Union project which is celebrated in almost 50 European States who are signatory to the European Cultural Convention.

The main event organised by the Energy and Water Agency at the Għajn National Walter Conservation Centre in Triq Ghajn Qajjet in Rabat in collaboration with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage was held on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of October 2021. During this event, visitors had the opportunity to follow a live archaeological excavation currently underway within the grounds of the Għajn Centre. During the visit, members of the public were able to follow presentations on the fascinating archaeological discoveries made during the construction of the Centre, as well as the neighbouring Triq Għajn Qajjet. Part of the archaeological artifacts discovered during these works, dating from the Phoenician and Roman periods, were also publicly exhibited for the first time.


The Chadwick Lakes Trail

The Ghajn Centre is the first stepping stone to the Chadwick Lakes Trail. Where, the Chadwick lakes trail is a system of foot passages which have recently been restored, passing from the Fiddien Valley up to the Qlejgha Valley. The two parts of the different valleys are known as the Chadwick Lakes due to the interventions and the building of dams by sir Osbert Chadwick during the 19th century. The trail commences from Fiddien area, where one can see the Fiddien Box which up until 50 years ago was still in use as a distribution hub of freshwater to households. Nowadays, this building serves as an interpretation Centre. Throughout the trail one can find a number of information panels, providing information bits about historic places along the valley together with the hydrological and ecological aspects of the valley. During the trekking trail one can admire a number of British structures used as water retentions and also bridges crossing the valley. These bridges were built by British engineers to serve the military service to access the Victoria Lines, a line of fortifications in the area.




The Chadwick Lakes Project [SDGs ACTIVITY]

The Chadwick Lakes  project focuses on the regeneration and valorization of the valley system and covers a rehabilitation area of 5,000m2, including the repair or restoration of banks and retaining walls together with the removal of debris and silt deposits from the existing dams.  This shall increase the valley’s rain harvesting capacity to a total of 40,000m3.

Chadwick Lakes is one of the most ecologically important valley systems in Malta, an important ecological hub sustaining a fragile natural ecosystem. The project shall enhance the regeneration of this unique natural habitat to its best status, and the creation of the facilities necessary to enable this ecosystem to be safely enjoyed by Maltese families and appreciated by tourists.

The proximity of the Ghajn Centre to the Chadwick Lakes Project and the fact that both sites are managed by the Energy and Water Energy allows for the Ghajn Centre to be the educational hub in teaching biodiversity and water management and water regeneration to younger generations

Click here to know more about the Project: Resources – Chadwick Lakes