Danube Water-Adventure, Engelhartszell an der Donau, Austria

Danube-World with Water Adventure, Engelhartszell, Austria

The Danube-World of Engelhartszell consists of eight stations: A-H

A) Garden of senses: shows old varieties of wine, old fruit varieties, an herb garden and a stone labyrinth. A silent place to recover next to the Trappist monastery.

B) Water-adventure Mini-Danube: an interactive open air playing area, where the Danube is relived from source to outlet in six stations. At each station visitors learn about the Danube. It is an eco-pedagogical exhibition – so many schools come for a visit. The exhibition “the aliens are coming – new animal and plant species in our homeland” with a giant-aquarium is part of the Mini-Danube. It shows how non-domestic plants and animals spread and blend amongst our domestic species and displace them. Centerpiece is a giant aquarium, where Beluga, the giant of the Danube, and Sterlet, the smallest kind of sturgeons are being shown up close. While nowadays the Beluga does not exist in the upper Danube Valley anymore, the Sterlet has survived due to being a self-reproducing species. Visitors combine activity, entertainment and education. The area is accessible for people with disabilities.
We offer guided tours in German and English language. Especially guests from river cruising companies are impressed by the nature of the Danube valley. Our main goals are to make people aware of our natural resources,
to protect life in and at the river Danube and to raise the visitor`s awareness for the reasonable use of water.

C) In the “Donau-Ateliers” local artists show their creative work.

D) On the “Donau-Platz” there is a turbine of the power-plant.

E) The “Donau-Spiel” is a children`s playground with swings, slides and a climbing pyramid.

F) In the exhibition “Danube-Stories” (Donau-Geschichten) models of old steam-ships can be seen, also an original ship-cabin and creative objects about the history of Engelhartszell made by children and artists. Here is an information point of “Natura 2000”: this network is the EU contribution to the “Emerald network” of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCIs) set up under the Bern Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats. Natura 2000 is also a key contribution to the Program of Work of Protected Areas of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

G) The power plant Jochenstein belongs to Bavaria and Upper Austria. On the Austrian side there is a new exhibition about energy and water power (it opens May 2018).

H) On the German side there is the exhibition “Haus am Strom”

Museum website: www.donau-welt.at


A biking tour on the Danube cycle path




Manual for schools and kindergarden

We offer a manual for elementary schools and kindergarden. It explains what can be done and what pupils learn in the Mini-Danube in a half-day or full-day-program (see attached file). It also includes a Danube quiz. In the area there is also an alien-path, where children learn about domestic and non-domestic animals and plants. We have about 25 school-groups during the season.

Mini-Danube guide

For individuals and groups (also guided groups) we offer an information sheet (see attached file) to inform the visitors about the contents of our exhibition. The Mini-Danube has about 9000 visitors (including schools) during the opening season from 1st May to 30th September (5 month)

Interreg-Project “Donauengtal entdecken”

Until Juni 2018 we take part in an EU-financed project which is called “Discover the Danube Valley between Hofkirchen in Bavaria and Aschach in Upper Austria”. Goal of the project is to raise the guest`s awareness to let the car at home, to travel by feet, by bike or by ship to discover the natural beauty of the Danbube valley. By driving the Danube cycle path or by walking the Danube hiking path they will find stops and signs about important nature themes along the Danube

Natural reserve of endangered species like the “Sterlet” (the smallest kind of sturgeons)

Mr. Dr. Dipl-Ing. Gerald Zauner is an ecologist in Engelhartszell. He cares about the giant aquarium in the Mini-Danube and uses the big and the smaller aquariums for his projects. The main activity of our museum and one of his goalsl is the preservation and the development of the population of the “Sterlet” in the Austrian Danube. Please look at his website to learn about his work: https://www.ezb-fluss.at/

In the last decade, the overlaps between nature and water protection have become increasingly strong. Our focus is on the Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive (FFH-RL) and the fish species listed therein. We offer:

  • Territorial support in Natura 2000 areas
  • Preparation of national implementation reports in accordance with Article 17 of the Habitats Directive
  • Management of protected areas
  • Ecology and faunistics of endangered aquatic animals
  • Conservation projects