AGBAR – Museu de les Aigües, Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain

The Museu de les Aigües  was opened in the Central Cornellà in 2004, a water catchment plant in the Llobregat aquifer and pumping it into the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona. The building was designed by modernist architect Josep Amargós i Samarach in 1905 and entered into operation in 1909. It consists of three naves: the Boiler Room, the Electricity Room and the Machine Room, where the original machinery is retained. Central Cornellà continues to make the same function today, capturing water and pumping it.


The Permanent exhibition

The exhibition is a sample of the technologies they have made and make it possible for water to reach the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona, ​​making it possible to develop it. In an interactive way, the elements are also known to know how urban water cycle works.


The Garden

In the garden, you can see the wells that currently capture water from the Llobregat aquifer, which represents a great strategic water reserve for the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona. The most significant is Fives Lille, the first one built by Aigües de Barcelona at Central Cornellà. In the garden, you can also see elements of the autochthonous flora of the region, as well as fruit trees belonging to the Baix Llobregat agriculture.

In this space of the Museum you can also find the “Cascada Gaudí”, a reconstruction of a fountain designed by Antoni Gaudí at Casa Vicens in the Gracia district of Barcelona, ​​is therefore a jewel of modernist architecture.



“Agora” is an old circular water tank built in 1954 and converted into a polyvalent space in 2004


Educational project of the Museum AGBAR

The educational project of the Museum brings us closer to the water from very different perspectives, with the aim of helping people of all ages learn to appreciate it and impregnate their value for life and culture. The program includes more than thirty different activities:

Itineraries to discover the architectural and industrial heritage of the Museum.

Workshops that bring us closer to the close bond that unites water with life and the planet.

Combined visits to discover in depth the processes related to the management of this resource.

And all kinds of unique educational proposals about water, science and the environment, aimed at schools, children’s groups, families, elderly or education professionals.