The 3rd International Conference of UNESCO’s Global Network of Water Museums will take place in Valencia, Spain, from 12th to 15th June 2019.
Please download here the Conference Programme and the Travel and Accommodation Information to make your hotel booking and organize your trip.
Download here your Registration Form and send it by May 7th (deadline for early registration).
A post-conference tour is planned to visit the palm grove of Elche Sunday the 16TH.
Specific sessions on the role of water museums for local development and on the Valencian water cultural heritage will be held from the 12th to the 14th of June.
Two interactive seminars will focus on how to strengthen education in water museums with an emphasis on SDGs, and how to improve joint communications on our inherited hydraulic heritage.
Field trips to the cultural landscape of the huertas of Andalusian origin and the Albufera lagoon are planned on Saturday the 14th (included in the Conference Fee). The post-conference tour to Elche, where the European largest historical palm grove will be visited, is planned for Sunday 15th.
Organized by the Global Network of Water Museums, the Water Tribunal of Valencia and the University of Valencia, in cooperation with Civiltà dell’Acqua International Centre, the University of Venice, and the Generalitat Valenciana, the 3rdInternational Conference of WAMU-NET will be a unique opportunity to share new approaches on water education, experiences and future common projects.