Venice, 1st International Conference of the Global Network of Water Museums

Venice, Italy, 2 – 4 may 2017

A Common Heritage for a Sustainable Future


Day 1 – Tuesday, May 2nd


Session 1 – Part 1 – Water museums presentations
Moderator: P. Pypaert, Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe

G. Boxer, National Waterways Museum, Canal & River Trust, England
Z. Zhirong, National Water Museum of China, China
M. Castro-Henriques, Lisbon Water Museum, Portugal
M. Javadian Zadeh, Yazd Water Museum, Iran
R.H. Garciadiego, “Agua Para Siempre” Museo del Agua, Mexico

Session 1 – Part 2 – Water museums presentations

E. Eulisse, Water Museum of Venice, Italy
H. Saidi, Institut du Patrimoine Culturel, Université du Quebec, Canada
A F. Al-Mesnad, Kahramaa Awareness Park, Qatar
V.L. Croitoru, “Leonida Truta” Water Museum, Romania

Workshop – Presentation of SWOT analysis results

Ceremony with public reading of the Preamble “Global Network of Water Museums” by the President of the Tribunal of Waters (Valencia, Spain). The ceremony will be held on boat in St. Mark’s Basin in front of the Doge’s Palace.

Field trip: The natural and cultural heritage of Venice and its Lagoon: Dinner at Agritur Lio Piccolo

Day 2 – Wednesday, May 3rd

Session 2 – Part 1 – Water Museums presentation:
Moderator: Eriberto Eulisse (Civiltà dell’Acqua International Centre)

X. Zheng, Yunnan Water Museum project, and coordinator of China’s Water Museums, China
L.A. Palma Lopez, Yaku Parque Museo del Agua, Ecuador
L.P. Martinez, Tribunal de las Aigues de la Vega de Valencia, Spain
A. De Capoa, Associazione Amici Vie d’Acqua sotterranee, Italia
C. Adams, Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World, England

Session 2 – Part 2 – Water Museums presentation:

S. Ahmed, Living Waters Museum, India
E. Bricchetti, Ecomuseum Martesana, Italy
S. Manfio, The cartoons H2OOOOO!!! Alcuni, Italy
B. Romdhane, The Hydraulic Complex of Zaghouan, Tunisia

Round Table – Global Network of Water Museums: functioning, possible future actions, and added value

Field trip: The Water Museum of Venice: the Network of Padua. Including dinner in the Euganean Hills

Day 3 – Thursday, May 4th

Session 3 – Part 1 –  Water Museums presentation:
Moderator: Xiaoyun Zheng (coordinator of Water Museums of China)

I.A. Kerr-Wilson, Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology, Canada
Y. Liu, Museum of Taihu Water Conservation Pavilion, China
A. Samoura, Musée de L’Eau, Burkina Faso
R.R. Ezabadi, SaadAbad Water Museum, Iran
C. Bernini, Archaeological Museum of the Bacchiglione River, Italy
K. Wundsam, Danube Water Adventure, Austria/Germany

Session 3 – Part 2 –  Water Museums presentation:

M. Scoullos, Global Water Partnership Hydria Project, Greece
B. Baldan, Botanic Garden Museum, University of Padua, Italy
H.Groeneveld, The Water Museum of “Kring Vrienden van s-Hertogenbosch”, Netherlands
C. Paisanos, Lemesos Water Museum, Cyprus
N. Llorente-Nosti, The Ecomuseum of Valle de Ricote, Spain

Conclusions: The way forward: towards a formal endorsement of the Global Network of Water Museums by UNESCO IHP