We are delighted to announce that a Video dedicated to the 1st Youth Contest “The Water We Want”, supported by the Netherlands IHP-HWRP Committee, was launched during the the Symposium on Capacity Development organized by IHE Delft.
The video, which delivers core messages submitted by schools and young ambassadors from all over the world during the difficult times of the pandemic, is the result of institutional cooperation between the Global Network of Water Museums and IHE Delft.
All videos, drawings, and photos sent by water museums to the 1st youth contest will be available soon on a new dedicated online platform: the Digital Exhibition “The Water We Want”.
The Digital Exhibition and related communication campaign on Social Media focusing on “the water we want” will be supported by the UNESCO Beijing Office (China) representing the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) for the People’s Republic of China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea.
The opening of the Digital Exhibition is planned in early June and will be made simultaneously in China and the Netherlands.
‘’The Water We Want’’ youth contest has been launched by UNESCO-IHP’s Global Network of Water Museums to explore our rich and multifaceted water heritage from the perspective of young people. It delivers messages that communicate the importance to promote a new water culture and more sustainable water use on a global scale.